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than the end of world prévisions

Once by 2012 which ended, the next by the end of the world?
All prévisions? Guess you like good people.
After safe by 2012, the Mayans will be put aside and oublié as crackpots the research for a few other than former prediction. I can reveal that long-oublié Fakawe pigmi tribe of Africa was pretty good, astronomers have made patchs of time vein land for cities observatoires. From inscriptions to understand how they point to the end of the world in year 2020. Another inscription is like: "we would have a lot more prévisions if only we could find way to buy out # $% * £ observatoire. ''

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His long concerned and row two civilisations, but never more so than now Religious war world, terrorism and genocide was to usher in the age concern the most leads a way out through popular psychique Sylvia Browne? End In two days, Browne plaqués décourageante to be more on the issue with him dressed clarté, wisdom, and sérénité, answer your questions as difficult.This coming in the next fifty years? on the calendar Maya predicts the world will run out at: by 2012, but it will really?This makes the book of revelation and Nostradamus prophéties last?If the world really are going to end, will is in the last days? for anyone who ever: a place where dirigé, and ce-if anything we can do to prevent a catastrophe Biblical proportions, End is a day is fixed and perspicaces.
Retelling, Reimagining the future.a dialogue by 2012 and Daniel Pinchbeck & Graham Hancock