
Climate change Debate: on it not warming a real threat, or is it just a Hoax?

On a serious and real threat for humanity on you, just a massive canular?  We must seriously concerned about climate change, climate change is something which always will be through history?  Mankind produces a change to the climate, the climate data to promote falsifié du?  Questions Giordano Is important.  Politicians through globe the basic decision about over the next two mankind based on belief on when world and climate change.  A number of your readers expressed Avis is strong on climate change and when the world, and we wanted to share comments with you.  Some of them very much in favor of theory produces a catastrophic on mankind, and very much against theory.  We think that we would post comments from your readers on both sides of the debate.  The truth is, and if you all willing to learn from the other and you will see him.

Here is your readers comments two ... ...

Backing Up two men to the theory that it is not the policy, Made on high driver


Warming world doesn't mean just hot hot hot.Is not a zero sum game.When something réchauffe go to other places, it is to earn a lié effects someplace else. for example, if the Jet Stream will whack enough of hot air rising quelque, an area where he will find the buried under tons of snow: it is simple explanation. But I bet leader simpliste wingnut right you can't possibly fathom logic.Morón.


Don't do that. Climate Change is on temperature change sign on them do not place it on the balmy temperatures. event catatrophic this more often, snow in areas that do not necessarily have his sécheresses and brink of famine.

Make éduqués.


World of balance. increase Evaporation when more need to fall from heaven and historically have taken unskilled jobs déclencheurs ice age. Simple physical.

Why are so angry with those?We are in a story together.


One will be lost if balance massive Arctic ice?Make his face shining.

The top two opposed the theory that it is not the policy, Made on high driver


In 1974 was convinced scientists that we have on the road in massive world rheumatism. Article From time magazine; the idea that what we do, powerful enough to cause a world meltdown narcissism is passed.Do you wish to ignore that scientists who started all this was proven when panic to falsifié, evidence?FYI, ice packs, they were actually cultivées during the last two years and all the fair young polar would like the food you can swim, 60 km along the movies Gore arm his men was photoshopped; homework.


"Climate change scientists" the played "I will make up the data, apply for Government grants and then published data faux in the game semi-respected feuilles" for this year; croyants needs to get up.All the natural fusion of the two glaciers sensationalizing.It is proven that he would take several years to dilute without glaciers, acting like, amount of fusion is like a natural life cycle of glaciers.Not only are you doing on this earth.


"The fact" is that more and more scientists will if the heavens of doomsday is discussion on "whatever you want to call depending on the weather."My ears when March.I am certain that SUV sales is Mars you at a time when all I no, procure éduqués means we'll just have to swallow the kool aid and that libéraux plate on the basis of a daily? so Please, if you want to save the planet from the '', '' Mr. Gore yank, Pelosi and Reid from private hunting given them into your hand 30,000 $ crackerjack box Prius and praying for brakes work.


EATME our place scientific evidence on climate change when you?you see very angry, you probably cannot show proof of this. you can call the nickname and think so man who invented internet but to show improvement.Gore sure that not a good role model Green a scientists on when the world is a great bank accounts in the global, not warming film Shem


Debate the globe don't know if the heat in 70 last year so you know whether people are due to (anthropomorphic world when) or the nature of the current Tendency. heating identical to historic ones (i.e. the temperature increase CO2 increase). Furthermore, if you seek a graph of the largest 150 years "Hockey stick" graph Al Gore said a montage year 2000 you actually see you have been living in a trend refroidissement General.

Finally, leader on when as a threat which was not the political hachurée think tanks Rome Club in 1993 (Al Gore and Maurice Strong is/was both members of the two). the release of a paper, "The first global revolution," in the early 1990s, have in Chapter 5 "sweep" The rights they had discussed previously used catastrophes climactic as a way to creation of globe world government taxation body to unite and banks (think Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen climate summit). here is a quote in this chapter not

'' The enemy of mankind is common.
Casting a new enemy to unite us, you come
with the idea that pollution, threats to,
dehydrated, famine and the like would fit all the law.
danger which was caused by human intervention, and this is only in
conception and behavior change how do.
True, is mankind itself. "

Notice the last line, because it is so as he all on for many of the ideologues. believe mankind and nature needed salvation under, and the only answer is to create a model of gouvernance control: the New regime totalitaire won't use their tents killed and room fuel to control, but it is slick, and tax bases of the economic conditions; if you doubt this think about climate-not gate, a generation of scientists the climactic Prism fudging data threat and colleagues.

Others, like Al Gore and fiducies environmental Services like these are more concerned with the money to do not for example carbon trade credit without financial dérivés after billions of dollars take on money from heaven.

For this reason, I think I point it is not GLOBAL warming is not a SHAM.


So it makes us all think about this Feel free to leave a comment and advice ....

