The characters symbolized in the 2012 doomsday cast are archetypal in the nature of humans, and in regards to the 2012 prophecies as predicted by the ancient Mayans and other civilizations what they represent to us are the inner workings of our own mind, and whilst this movie and the 2012 doomsday cast promote a doomsday type scenario, the truth of the matter is that we must look inside ourselves.
For it is that whilst the 2012 prophecies talk about the end of the world, we must all recognize it is time for us all to face our inner demons and confront the things we are most afraid of, yes there are going to be startling earth changes that will occur over the next few years and whilst we educate ourselves on survival techniques and other information surrounding 2012 we must never forget that the prophecy itself is not as simple as a major catastrophic event.
The reality of the situation is that we know so little about our own planet and the universe around us and have been lead astray for thousands of years by those that would control us, the result of this is nothing sure than mass collective brainwashing were we have really forgot who and what we are and our true place in the universe.
However I shall reserve the philosophical nature of 2012 until another day, for now what is important to focus on is the aspect of preparation and self development. The natural disasters depicted by the 2012 doomsday cast and movie will indeed occur, perhaps not on the biblical scale as in the movie, but one thing is for sure as we look at the world around us we notice every other month some sort of huge disaster.
Making sure that both you and your family are safe is important because as the old world ends and the new world begins we are going to need humble and strong truth seekers just like yourself in the golden age that awaits us. It is true that there are those out there in the world that wish to see all of mankind remain under the control of the dark elite, however with all that is going to take place surrounding 2012 we must not let ourselves fall to the trap of fear especially when it comes to natural disasters.
The 2012 doomsday cast were not prepared, if we use the film itself as a metaphor it clearly symbolizes one of the worst case scenarios you could find yourself in, however you can do many things to ensure that if events such as tsunamis, earthquakes or even volcanic eruptions are going to affect your area that you can ensure your safety.
Personally I have recently been looking at tons of survival material both 2012 related and otherwise, and what I can say is that I found the best of both worlds with 2012 Contact If you're looking for survival techniques that combine both factual evidence and history with proper