
2012 Prophecy

You may have heard a lot about the 2012 prophecy but you're confused because there's so much information to digest! Don't worry, I'm here to clear about all the confusing surroudning the 2012 prophecy.

The Mayan calender, a old stone calender built by the Aztecs, ends December 2012 which is what a lot of the fuss surrounding 2012 comes from.

The 2012 prophecies mainly fall into 2 schools of thought - one that believes that the world will be enlightened and be in a better place after 2012, and one that believes 2012 is the end of the world.

2012 Prophecy School of Thought #1 - 2012 As The Age of Englightenment

This school of thought arises from the belief that 2012 will bring a higher state of human consciousness, englightenment and love.

2012 Prophecy School of Thought #2 - 2012 As The End of the World

What most people are hearing about nowadays is that the end of the world is immenent. There are rumors that the mysterious Planet X will collide into earth, there will be a huge polar shift causing a slew of natural disasters and that only the strong and prepared will survive.

Natural disasters that are suppose to occur include tsunamis, super volcanoes, and earthquakes. Australia is suppose to sink into itself as there are many fault lines in the continent. Other places that will be inhospitable include Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia. Countries with nuclear powerplants and reactors are to be avoided as they will explode.

Africa is suppose to be one of the safest places that one can reside in as it has few volcanoes, and little fault lines.

If you want to more about 2012 in depth and really learn how to plan ahead for it, I highly recommend you download the bestselling eBook 2012 Official Countdown Guide.

Click here to download the bestselling => Official 2012 Countdown Guide by James Michael Sayer.

You can also read my review of the bestselling 2012 Survival Guide at my website => EBooks In Review

