
Survive 2010 Prophecy

The Time Has Come
Prepare to LIVE
or Prepare to DIE

The United States and other world governments are well aware of what is coming. They know they won’t be able to protect and assist everyone, so they have developed self help materials and websites such as Ready.gov and FEMA.gov. These sites provide valuable information for short-term survival of isolated events such as earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes, but do not directly address the real dangers that await us.

Surviving the coming events of December 21 2012 is not necessarily like surviving other natural or manmade disaster. You and your family will have to be more proactive and assume more preemptive strategies for long term or even permanent survival.

You need to realize that this will be a global event that will effect each and every living thing on the planet. Food and clean water will be scarce and public utilities will be nonexistent, The world governments can not and will not be able to assist in your continuing wellbeing and you will more or less be on your own.

The purpose of this website is to assist and provide you with the necessary resources and information to help you prepare for, and survive a long-term global disaster.

