
December 2012 Predictions and End of Mayan Calender and What it Mean For Me

Are you as confused as me? I would describe myself as rational, logical and probably a skeptic of most things metaphysical, yet I admit to a certain curiosity and even a little tingle of apprehension maybe, certainly enough to have me reading about and listening to subjects I would normally be deaf to. I have seen disaster movies and enjoy watching them as light entertainment, but lately I find myself looking at them with different eyes and questions, I keep thinking is Hollywood trying to prepare us for something in some way?

I am talking about the Mayan end of the world, year 2012 prophecy of course. What does it all mean? In thinking about it I have a awful lot of questions, such as, Does Armageddon 2012 mean life extinction, or life changing? What exactly is supposed to happen? Is there anything we can do to prepare for it? And if so what? Will there be survivors? And how do we survive 2012? It is intriguing to think about, is it not?

There are two things I can say that I am absolutely sure about, no doubts what so ever. 1 governments lie to us all the time, and keep us in the dark about lots of things. 2 Media is a puppet of the governments and feed us exactly what they are dictated to tell us or not tell us as the case may be.

I know all this all sounds rather frightening and even scare mongering to some, never the less it is rather intriguing to think about, and more than anything else it puts today and how we live our lives into some kind of focus, and maybe if we give credence to some kind of doomsday in the foreseeable future, it will remind us of what is important today and even for a sceptic like me that is a worthwhile pursuit.

2012 Mayan prophecies [http://december2012prophecy.blogspot.com/], questions, answers and information.

