
8 Emergency survival Lessons that we have learned from the oil Mexico Gulf spill disaster

Déversement oil in two Gulf of Mexico is the worst environmental disaster in both the history of the U. S..  He was the hundreds of millions of dollars in damage (at least) and complete the reyalizan Gulf of Mexico two surviving students for want of you.  Loss of habitats and incalculable.  Survivors in hundreds of thousands of especes de now in question.  This is a national nightmare that will stay with us for decades.  It would be difficult to understate lock dimensions tragedy.  Let's hope authorities can find a way to help keep this kind of massive oil déversement since ever is.

For this reason we can learn from all this? Do in particular, emergency preparation lessons so that we may take two tragedy?

Yes, we believe there is 8. Following lesson survivors in emergency we have been in the Gulf of Mexico oil déversement. ... 

# 1) Disaster can hand on one side

  Who would have thought the next big disaster will be not in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico? what is true is that a disaster can strike where.Ebranle, volcans, ouragans, hungry? and terrorism only two or three things you need to be prepared to deal with any time, and no one you know the location of your next major emergency will hit.

  # 2) Corporations you will not make a lot of assistance in an emergency

Déversement oil As the Gulf of Mexico was clearly demonstrate cooperation, only interested in help during an emergency.  Don't count on for one ounce of assistance if a disaster.

# 3) the Government will not make a lot of assistance in an emergency 

  Just like with Hurricane Katrina, the Government, showing how name and inept are enormously during déversement oil.During a disaster, not count on the Government to pair and keep you safe

# 4) Disasters are often worse than anticipated

Both Government and BP believed they were totally prepared for all éventualité in the Gulf of Mexico.But they. Lesson here is that disaster often much worse than you may anticipate. it is important to have a lot of flexibility built for contingency plan for preparation.

# 5) response by authorities for disaster relief can often so they did worse

Even with the two of us, and the technology "Advanced," the truth is what we make disaster even worse when we intervene.Some scientists now where the child that BP dispersant used, Corexit 9527, ruptures, red blood cells and cause fish bleed.Now BP the environmental disaster in the Gulf further evil than he otherwise would.

# 6) who Can't but you can still make you sick to death or

There are reports that sin through the Gulf of Mexico is became very ill of breathe toxic brew maker not déversement oil with BP in response to Lesson here is you don't have to just plans to food, water and shelter in a situation emergency. also you can find yourself in a situation where the heaven of heavens are not fit to breathe.

# 7) you Have Pets in your emergency plan

Teacher Prosanta Chakrabarty of Louisiana State University said he believes "all the fish and the contact invertébrés oil probably dead." the truth is that a major disaster that affected you, animaux. always take into account when drawing up contingency plan for preparation.

# 8) disaster relief do you change the Entire way of life cold

Predicting shrimpers local in Florida, Louisiana already that, seven years before they can establish the sea again, the reality is that déversement oil the Gulf of Mexico will change the lives of millions of people forever. do you know what you can do if your business is your job was destroyed during a major disaster?

