
Haiti is yet another example of how society when broken down Satan come out to play

Haiti has become again another example (just like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina) of how society when broken down by come to play.  We've got all you see pictures of the videotape of the encounter métrage wielding sends gang and looters who ravagent Port-au-Prince since the earthquake.  If it is not for the United States and United Nations troops are in Haiti, all the nation should a cuckoo's nest proférer at this point.  Point But this article is not to vidage in Haiti.  The truth is that we have seen this kind of thing all over the world when society.  After all, you oublié horreurs in result of Katrina storm quickly?  A little of this civilization placage you all to give every day only deep as long as society continues to work properly.  Once society, what is true is this evil in the mankind surfaces very fast.  When they feel threatened survival, many of them will resort to all sorts of things.

  But we would like you to think that the people of Haiti chooses this time to pull together as a nation.After all, about 170,000 dead body was better in as far as if have any time to neighbors to come and help each other in Haiti, do you think would do it. 

On the contrary, we will see many opposed.Theft and violence absolutely endémiques. criminals will take advantage of panne in the Haitian capital to harass and viol women and young girls; in fact, are the Haitian National Police Chief Mario Andresol says all the violation it will ....

"Panne And who had consequences in the Haitian capital, groups taking advantage to harass and viol women and young girls tents. ''

How Sick is that?

But not only, Haitian officials also the fear of man and the sale of those traffic organes will become endémiques the consequences of Haitian earthquake: hang, you see two Haitian society not only taken out evil in all people who live there; he also attirer wickedness of gather is interested to exploit.

Talk about CNN on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive Haitian said it received reports of Haitian children sold and that it is also convinced that people organes which took place at earthquake victims and which was sold to.

How little you have to go to Haiti and produce organes earthquake victims dead and sells them to serve?

How little you have to go to Haiti and buy those that were orphelins earthquake?

But this.

According to a report, orphans in Haiti which has been offered for sale to foreigners for little as $ 50.

This is the true face of mankind.

Just like after storm Katrina.

Just like we have seen a number of other times around the globe the society.

The end has two placage civilization to remove all the good nature of mankind.

And really ugly.

Not surestimer character the people, where you live night.

When society broken in your neck of the Woods de la, do you believe that some of them can't act like animals, does not only be able to survive?

Don't bet on it.

Better ready for is time to prepare.

