
3 Simple Things You Need To Survive 2012

Perhaps you have heard about the news, reports or claims that the end of the world is coming this 2012. The exact date is said to be December 21, 2012. There was even a huge movie made based on that. If you aren't aware of this particular doomsday prediction, it got its roots from the Mayan prophecy wherein their astronomical calendar is claimed to end on that date mentioned earlier. This got a number of people thinking that it's when the world takes its bow.

Several stories of what may happen on that fateful day have surfaced ever since. Many believe that there will be huge disasters occurring all around the world simultaneously such as massive earthquakes, killer tsunamis and rapid volcanic eruptions. This led to people scrambling and others looking for ways on how to survive doomsday 2012.

You don't need a comprehensive survival guide for this. Instead, you just have to make sure you got these three simple things:

We're talking about survival skills. Basic and important tasks such as lighting a fire, hunting for food, building a shelter and defending or protecting yourself at all costs. When that day happens, everything you own and everything you treasure like your gadgets, house, cash, career and others will all be gone just like that. If you don't start honing your survival skills now, you'll be helpless and hopeless when 2012 comes and chances of you making it alive becomes slimmer.

You need to sop being ignorant if you want to survive 2012. You don't really have to believe everything that you hear or read. What matters is you have got enough information that can be useful whenever you need them the most. You have to be aware of what's going around you. Know as many details as you can. What's the best thing to do? How will you make it? Where can you go to be safe? Those and a lot more should have answers or at least ideas sitting on your mind already.

You may have skills and knowledge but if you don't believe that you are going to make it, chances are you won't. You have to have faith in yourself. If your faith is based on religion, you should have a strong one. The point here is that you trust in what you can do and you have to do everything that you possibly can to survive 2012, because if you lose hope easily, that will do you no good.

You may still check out and learn survival tips if you want to but make sure you got those three things in place. So keep a strong faith and don't forget to improve your survival skills. They say knowledge is power and that may hold true once devastation comes around.

You have to keep a strong faith and believe in yourself. You will need that to survive 2012.

