
2012 - Doomsday Or Hysteria? Is it the End of the World As We Know it?

This has been one heck of a week for the doomsday version of 2012. While there have been programs and presentations over many years (I've seen several of them), last week the entertainment industry outdid itself, speculating bigger, glitzier, and scarier. The latest movie intends to scare us out of our socks, with Armageddon, Independence Day and nuclear holocaust all rolled into one. Long before there was television and movies, there were books and prophecies and doomsday cults. Even our western Holy Book called the Bible is replete with multiple doomsday prophecies and warnings. There are as many detractors and nay-sayers as there are believers and they are just as vocal. Is there a middle ground between doomsday and denial?

I've been interested in and have studied prophesy in one form or another for 40 years. I am not afraid of 2012 but I also am not in denial of such possibility. I know what is possible, but this subject is currently clothed in hysteria, told in half-truths and outright speculation and that is surely not healthy. Even NASA took to the airwaves to discount the possibility of such doomsday, which has never been done before. The hype leads to hysteria and frightened people react badly. Before we start to examine what 2012 might mean, let's examine what would it mean if the doomsday scenario was true? We will take a few moments and face our fears and trepidations up front.

If doomsday is true, what exactly could you or I do about it? There is no other game in town; make or break it here on Earth is what we have. There is no place on this globe that I know of marked off as a safe place to wait out the destruction. If there was such a place, all six billion plus inhabitants (many are children) of this planet would try to get to that spot just as you or I or any other scared person would... and many of them would bring their animals as well. I would want my grand-dogs to be safe. Don't you feel that way about your pets? Realistically there is no safe place for catastrophe so we can dismiss that as a possibility right now. Hang in there, we're doing a worst-case scenario up front.

We do not have an unbelievable number of gigantic spaceships to evacuate all of us and take us to a place of safety while the planet goes through its convulsions, whatever the cause. Within reason, just in our galaxy, where would that place of safety be? Does it have food, water, shelter and accommodations for six plus billion people, their pets and their spaceships? Fuel, dry dock, etc. would require an entire world. Now we will take this to the next level... out there, beyond our local space.

What if an incredible number of spaceships arrive to evacuate us to some point of safety we don't know about and can transport, feed, shelter, and all that is required for all six billion of us? Obviously they are not our spaceships because 1) we don't have any, and 2) there's nowhere to go close by (the limit of our technology). If a spaceship hovers over your house, sends down a ladder and an announcement booms through the air "__(insert your name)__, it is time to get on board," what would you do, stay or go? Would you get on board now (they are in a bit of a hurry) or wait until you gather every single person you are related to or ever met (and possibly their animals) so you can be sure to all get on the same space ship? Would you wait for the magic announcement "Beam me onboard Scottie." What if you did board the obviously alien spaceship. Are you refugees, prisoners, slaves, or dinner? One of the scariest science fiction television movies I ever saw was entitled "To Serve Man." Those who elected to join the space farers turned out to be the menu.

Could there be a doomsday scenario such as an asteroid or comet strike? Sure. We were born in fire and fury, shaped and reshaped by such strikes over billions of years as our solar system slowly formed. What was left over from this violent formation retreated into bands of asteroids and icy debris settled in the outer reaches of the solar system called the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. From time to time, space does get perturbed and some of that material is kicked inward through our system and naturally gravitates towards the Sun, our nearby - 93 million miles - neighbor. Could one of these bodies, in its natural trajectory or because of our superior gravitational force, slam into us? Sure. It has done so before so there is no reason to assume it cannot or will not ever do it again. Will it? At this time in the development of our planet and our solar system such an event would be rare. Our astronomers are seriously watching for such objects to allow as much warning as possible. Could we defeat it? We're learning how; we are developing our capacity continually. We will do our best if that situation arises. Do you or I have any control over that? Not really, so what is the point of worrying about it?

Could the Sun superheat and either explode or send off huge solar prominences that can affect life here on Earth? Sure. Remember that early violent formation of the solar system and the Earth I mentioned? Our Earth records show cataclysmic events in our past, gradually slowing as we evolved. The trumpeted solar maximum for 2012 is a normal fluctuation of the Sun's activities that occurs every 11 years. Over the 4.5 billion years of our life some of that solar fluctuation has been destructive, but we are still here. Sure it could happen again, but what exactly are your options? If the Sun were to explode or send an enormous burst of energy (solar prominence) toward us, we wouldn't know about it for approximately eight minutes, then we'd see it and would just about immediately experience it. The destruction would be over in little more than seconds. Can we change any of that? No. If we can't materially affect the outcome and that outcome is almost instantaneous, why should we worry about it?

Biblical prophecy is married to the doomsday scenario because if you read the Book of Revelation in the Protestant Bible, it is filled with dire prophecy and warnings. As close as I can tell from that reading there does not appear to be a way out for us physically. Holy Books are not as interested in our physical fortunes as much as it is our spiritual fortunes; therefore the rescue promised is spiritual in nature. For 20 centuries we have been unsuccessfully trying to figure out what those prophecies mean and when they will occur. There have been so many doomsday predictions and cults biblical and otherwise that it could fill up weeks, months or years of study. All those people lived and died and such prophecies did not manifest in their lifetimes. The Bible clearly states that we are not to attempt to figure it out, that it will happen when it gets here. But do we back off and not speculate? Of course not; we are just not built that way. You also remember the story about the tree, the forbidden fruit, and how well man handled that one don't you?

Man dreams his dreams and has his visions. I, woman, have had several of those myself. Man is curious, independent, at times willful, and blind in their belief systems. We were supposedly formed in the image and likeness of the Creator with the attributes of that creative principle and we were put on Schoolhouse Earth to find our way and learn our lessons. This was not a gigantic joke or punishment of a capricious deity, stamping a gigantic foot in petulance. That concept of deity is way too human for me.

Oh... and if you wonder how people get caught up in "cult" experiences and beliefs, watch this period until 2012 and listen and learn. This qualifies as a cult experience along with many other human habits and beliefs and it doesn't matter if you are mainstream religious or not or which belief system or book you prefer.

Okay, we've examined a few of the most popular ridiculous beliefs and our inherent fears of such potentially catastrophic events. We are in this together, whether we like it or not. If such awful possibilities were true, we are not in a position to do much about it. If we can't change the outcome, why bother putting yourself through the worry? Fearing a thing will not make it go away but that fear can immobilize us or cause us to follow beliefs, cults or leaders who also can't change the outcome. Trust yourself. Save your mental energy for doing what you can about the possible and don't fret over that which you can't control.

I live in hurricane territory and have been through a couple of them. There are common sense things you can do to protect your safety and survival. You don't ignore the potential, you prepare. Beyond that you wait along with everyone else and deal with what comes down the road. Insane overriding fear will not change the outcome other than you can scare yourself silly. A reckless I'm-going-to-stare-that-sucker- in-the-eye mentality could ensure disaster. Sane, common sense preparation is the best we can do. And when the outcome has occurred, whether it be from natural or unnatural causes, we do the best we can with who we are and what we have at our disposal. That's the best any of us can do for any catastrophic event. Worrying about it does not change the outcome, so stop worrying.

Is 2012 Doomsday? The Mayan and the Hopi legends point to a major shift or change that will occur at the time of the Winter Solstice 2012 on December 21st. Of all the possible Winter Solstices that can occur within an approximate 26,000-year cycle (one galactic revolution), this specific solstice occurs because of the lineup of the solstice with an assumed black hole that is at the very center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This black hole with its tremendous gravitational force appears to be the center around which our Galaxy revolves. I say assumed because it is the position held currently by our scientists, but scientific opinion changes from moment to moment.

Briefly, this approximate 26,000 year revolution is conveniently divided into twelve compartments which we call "ages" and it is our Earth axis that is the "pointer." There is much rampant speculation on whether or not we are on the point of the changing of an Age, but it really has nothing to do with this 2012 lineup. My personal opinion is that we have already moved into the Age of Aquarius but I will save that for another article. 2012 is about the lineup of the Winter Solstice with the center of an assumed but massive and powerful black hole. It can happen once in that almost 26,000-year cycle and that time is December 21, 2012.

The Mayans had an incredibly sophisticated calendar system, one that takes years of study to fully understand. Mayans were able to do amazing predictions based on their calendars within calendars. The question is not whether their calendar system works, it does, but whether 2012 is catastrophic in conclusion. Their long calendar is set for 5125 years and the upcoming solstice marks the termination of the current cycle that began around 3113-12 BC (the transition between BC and AD has the oddity of no "0" year). This is not the first measured or experienced cycle. There have been cycle conclusions in the past that have not ended in catastrophic finality for the Earth and its inhabitants. We have limited records but we are living proof that we made it though those cycle changes.

What is happening in reality is that a Mayan long calendar year is ending and simultaneously beginning a new long calendar year. It is a marker year, one of great importance, and there is no known guarantee of wholesale destruction although I do believe the moment could have a monumental effect. Look to the Hopi and other legends that also mark this date for major change. Some of these legends we trot out as prophetic are catastrophic and some are not. Some Nostradamus prophecies go beyond 2012. The only prophecies that get the headlines are the catastrophic doomsday type. Fear and excitement sell product. Besides, we like scary stuff.

One last point... have you noticed that we are not handling our stewardship of this planet all that well? We are polluting our home, ravaging each other and the planet with incessant and violent wars. We lack tolerance of each other, take advantage of one another like wayward children. We could do this doomsday job of destruction all by ourselves without any outside help. We choose to call such events the Wrath of God, but I believe it should be called the Stupidity of Man.

What do I think is going to happen in 2012 after studying various forms of prophecy for over 40 years? We have been on a runaway train of change approaching a point of great change. Look around you. Look at how far we have evolved intellectually but also look at how well or how poorly we have handled those changes. In the USA we have unprecedented freedom, the culmination of the universe's attempts and successes in human rights. We must take care of those rights and that freedom. We are the latest attempt on the part of the universe, not the only attempt. We, you and I, are responsible for the success or failure of those freedoms. Choice.

The centuries-long agricultural and merchant society gave way to industrialization. Progress has been amazing. Did we handle all of it well? Can we fix what we did poorly? Can we pool our talents and resources to fix what is possible and to make good ecology a way of life? Choice. We discovered and developed atomic energy. We have used it for good and for ill. It holds a major key in its power for the benefit or destruction of the human race and possibly the planet. Choice.

We are becoming a one-world community; our borders are porous. This is not going to go away because we are uncomfortable. Have you noticed that life does not always consider our personal comfort its primary directive? We are so far along in the one-world process that it is like that runaway train that I mentioned. We need to embrace those changes in order to control the effect on our lives. Choice.

So much is said and written about the "haves" and the "have-nots" of our world. Old sayings like the 'rich get richer and the poor get poorer' emphasize the disparity between countries, people, societies, companies, health issues, food, power sharing, all stages of the human condition. We are all into self-preservation and the "pursuit of happiness" whatever that means individually. Is it possible to want good for every person, that they have food, shelter, education, safety, progress and the "good life" that we want for ourselves? Do we have to succeed personally at the expense of others? Or is there enough to go around for everyone? Can I applaud your success and lifestyle openly and honestly? Can you do the same for me? Can we help one another succeed? Choice.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in his book The Phenomenon of Man indicated we were facing a paradigm shift in consciousness within the evolutionary cycle of man. We are approaching a go/no go point where we succeed in a break-through in consciousness for our species and progress beyond our wildest imagination or we fail and our species stops our evolutional process and becomes a page in history. I encountered that concept in the early 1970s and was appalled that we could evolve this far only to fail and to become a footnote of history. I made a choice then to do what was in my power to contribute to that pivotal evolutionary moment in time.

I believe we are approaching that pivotal moment in time and the date is December 21, 2012. We are teetering on the brink of just about every kind of disaster that humans can produce and that is something we can choose to fix. We don't have to act like spoiled children, defile our own living conditions and destroy ourselves ecologically. We don't have to destroy each other because we demand that everyone play by our personal or national rules. We could respect each other and our individual rights and clean up our prejudices. We could practice reasonable tolerance for each other's beliefs and practices. We could celebrate our diversity and pool our talents and resources to make this a truly wonderful place to live. The question is will we? Will we choose to ignore, avoid, blame, refuse responsibility, let the other guy do it, or wallow in self imposed stupidity? Or will we present ourselves as agents for good, accept that it is our personal job to step up to the plate and do what's possible to help ourselves and our way of life. Choice.

Marilyn Muir, author of "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past." Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope. Based on ground-breaking research by noted astrologer Marilyn Muir, this book describes the remarkable similarities of these four presidents in their Aquarian connections to the USA and their commonalities of character and motivation.

In a non-technical way, the author details how their sky maps (astrological charts) synchronize with the important events that took place during the lifetimes of presidents Jefferson, Lincoln and Kennedy-all of whom held office at profound moments in our nation's history. Ms Muir reaches deeply into the USA past to predict our nation's future. Demonstrating through meticulous astrological research how, under each of these president's watches, the country not only survived deep setbacks, but went onto greater and more successful heights.

The author takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the stars as she details the strengths and weakness in President Obama's own sky map; describing how and where it aligns to not only the birth chart of the USA but also his connections to the specific chart of his own inauguration. Is he the right man for the job? Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!


How soon are scientists expect a earthquake in the same way for Honors in Haiti hit the United States? Plus that you might think

Earth Changes7. the earthquake magnitude 0 hit Haiti was called the worst natural disaster in at least a decade.  In fact, Secretary-General of Moon banning already called it a disaster is worse than Asia tsunami of several years ago that killed thousands on thousands of people.  Authorities are in fact trying to get help for survivors in Haiti but severely entravée not the chaos that was ravagent Nations in the consequences of the earthquake.  Range of endémiques and those who are burning piles of dead bodies, the sound of gunfire, everywhere and gang wielding sends young men itinérance streets.

So can sake in Haiti to the United States.

Of course it's able to do so.

You did you forget about Hurricane Katrina?

The truth is that most areas in the United States only about 9 food anarchy.

When people get desperate they are doing just the price for his life; we want to considered so "Advanced" and then "civilize".But the truth is a urgent situation could turn around most people in wild animals are very quickly.

That's the way it is chances of a massive earthquake Haiti as the threatening the United States at any time soon?

Unfortunately chances without in favor.

We live at a time when ebranle will increase in frequency and intensity in every part of the globe.

  In fact, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake on the sea between South America and Antarctica on Sunday.

Fortunately it is not near enough to all the population to do significant damage, but the next time it is not possible for us to have a chance so.

The truth is that there are many areas of the United States where scientists had the unexpected massive ebranle hit.

For example, Predict scientists that U. S. is a Haiti earthquake, magnitude in the new Madrid fault in the United States some time for 50 years.

If you do not know the location of the new Madrid fault line, just Google it.

Wikipedia describes new Madrid fault as '' an area sismiques biggest King a prolific sources of intraplate ebranle (ebranle in a plate tectoniques) in southern and Midwestern United States.open to the southwest of new Madrid, Missouri

In other words, a massive earthquake in New Madrid fault line could make the area a great in Chicago to St. Louis to Memphis complete down to the mouth of the Mississippi.

In fact, a great number of people was '' rêves '' and '' vision '' earthquake only a the actually create a new body of a great waters in the area.Some predicted that the earthquake will be so massive that it will actually cause Mississippi running backwards.

In 1811, an earthquake in the new Madrid fault was so powerful that '' the window and furniture in Washington, d.c., bells in Richmond, Virginia, sloshed water well and in Charleston, South Carolina, and hit to branches in Columbia, South Carolina. "

Other major earthquake in the system for the boy in 1812 was so hot that he felt in New York City, Boston.

So yes, that can happen in the United States; in fact, scientists are waiting for him to arrive in some point in the next 50 years.

But when one perception of ebranle United States, one usually think of California first.

In fact, a recent seismic activity through County California increase anxiety that California event next being hit by the "great a."

A very large number of small ebranle have reported on all County California in the last 7 days.

This is a sign that we could see something happens there soon?

Let's, hopes.

The truth is that the "Grand a" California, and it can do a lot more than all death some buildings.

7.0 For a earthquake will not make that much damage in most areas of California as he had done in Haiti, the truth is that California could see a most powerful earthquake someday.

For decades there were certain men who said they were "rêves '' and '' vision '' on a earthquake that is good that it will actually cause a part of California for diapositive in the sea.


There are those who draw up card show that California will come together after this happens.

But there is far more than just a few, who are convinced that this will happen to California someday. believes that "The Grand a" will be a day hit California répandus so that the same time magazine had a great history.

In fact, have faith there is a general consensus in the scientific community the great a coming to California and everything needs to start prepared to.

The Los Angeles Times recently reported in the "uniform California earthquake rupture forecast '' was released in 2007. this report declared California a chance 99.7% 6. of a magnitude 7 earthquake in 30 years.

7. A 99 percent chance?

More of something '' do you want?

If scientists and "visionnaires '' right, ebranle massive changes and significant géologique coming to the United States during want.

In fact, it'll come to the United States would only do regard in Haiti as a Sunday afternoon walk in the Park.

are you ready?

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How to Survive Doomsday 2012

Many people who believe that the world will end two years from now are wondering if it is going to be possible for anyone to survive the end of the world 2012. The answer is a resounding YES. Many experts of the Mayan predictions believe that there are things that people can do to make sure that they will live through the disaster and even thrive in the post-apocalyptic world. It is not like the world will suddenly explode and everything on it will just cease to exist. Experts believe that what will happen will be more like a drastic change in the face of the earth. The end of the world as we know it.

So how can one survive the end of the world 2012? The key is to make preparations. We are very resilient as a race after all. If we can survive wars and natural calamities, we can definitely survive what will happen in 2012. But we need to be ready. Two years may be a short time, but it is enough time already to do the necessary things that will ensure your survival in 2012 and beyond.

To be able to prepare, you need to have an idea what will happen on the fateful day. Those who are closely following the Mayan prophecy are saying that there will be an alignment in the positions of the planets in the solar system. This will bring about a negative effect in the tides which will cause devastating tsunamis and tidal waves. Some predict that there will be a major flare up of the sun that will cause dramatic changes in the global weather. There will be megastorms and hurricanes that are far stronger than Katrina. The changes can also cause movements in the earth's crust triggering earthquakes of great magnitudes.

So how to prepare for the end of the world 2012? Some people say that there will be places on earth that will not suffer in the same way that most parts of the earth will. One of the things that you can do of course is to identify these place and move there. This is the best thing that you can do in order to survive the catastrophe.

Most importantly you should stay positive. Panic will do you no good and will only lead you to greater disaster. You are also encouraged to keep yourself updated with the events related to the end of the world 2012. You should be concerned. After all, your life depends on it.

For the best guide on surviving doomsday 2012, check out the following link: http://www.squidoo.com/how_to_survive_doomsday

Hello, the author specializes in writing medical and psychology articles and works in the psychology field. Please leave lots of feedback for my articles. Thank you.

Financial survival

12The financial system the United States in the early stages of a made complete meltdown and vast majority American them go.  You come up with a plan for life when financial TEOTWAWKI ("the end of the world as we know it")?

Maybe you think talk so alarmist, but before we discuss this we have to do to prepare for, let's take a look in the State of financial system.

Before all this, the total of the u.s. Bank failure in 2009 is now 25, correspond count that failed through the two 2008.

Banks only three failed in both 2007.

So I hope that we can see that this is not a good trend.

But perhaps you may think this is just a temporary trend.

  After all, U. S. economy was certainly hit up the road before and get well enough.

Well, unfortunately this is not only in inconvénient of a business cycle. What we face is made complete unraveling of a financing system put on a hill must be done.

The reality is a great money not backed by gold in the history of the world was eventually failed, and their actions actually taking the Government and the Federal Reserve without up day $ will come.

monetary_base  Sometimes not enough to describe a really bad situation.The chart on the left will help you all have a feeling which is to $. Board that the sources of federal Reserve itself.Board show in the u.s. monetary base in the 1960s, to this day. in the 1960s-1980s until the money circulation, number of added, but it was fairly stable. 1980 the decades between the two was that amount of money circulation just explode.But key board and for ever.

  If you look at it is this day, amount of dollars in circulation absolutely Tyre in the roof.Now, a lot of money that the U. S. Government and who were Fed injecté in the economy not the people in the streets again, for this reason, we are still working out your débuts of a déflationnistes depressed.But eventually all the money which was injecté will arrive in the economy in General.

When this happens, there will be times when there is all the more dollars in circulation than before on the same amount of goods and services; do you know what happens when a deep situation?

  Inflation.Great, effrayant, hair-curling inflation.

The reality is that because of the U. S. Government and the Fed to dollars in, we're going to face hunger, roaring inflation of a John u. s. was fairer.

Then, takes it all.

For example, maybe your money well now, but where the boundaries will remove you breathe a-bread cost ten dollars?

Maybe we spent decades drum up money in a bank account.But inflation is act like a massive tax: when you wake up and you bank account only purchase half so that he could buy the year before, will you feel?

There is no other way to the current economic situation.

U. S. Government and the Fed had decided than from the current economic crisis not cranking up spiral debt once more and not $ dévaluer.

So, you will see massive inflation, he is just a question of how long his hit and evil way.

So what should you do?

# 1) Leggings from debt-as long as we must you are is a servant banks. The interest we will continue to suck dramatically reduced our ability to take care of your family.The salvation of the financial entanglements will better position for ever before you.

# 2) reducing you possible, talks with evaluate where your money will be each month.What is true is almost all people are money dépenses these really do not need to spend if we can dramatically reduce financial sorties each month, you may a financial storm Conditions more effectively.

Leggings # 3) two of the stock market crash, yes that would make most of us better if you were in that last year, so that your numbers probably lost a lot of money so that your numbers in the hope that the market is, can gather a how is it possible for a time, but he could still crash even further in any time: why play with what you still will give such a mobile economic environment?

# 4) Leggings from 401Ks and other retirement plan no doubt persistent rumours that the Government would take control of all plan retirement fact the vast majority of retirement plan is really bad investment now. stock market has already been the plan retirement most.even if your retirement plan is able to join a bit in the future, fact that value will be far, far away, and rate of inflation dépassait.

# 5) is not on banks, as discussed at the start of the article, a number of banks not to; but now the Government assurer on stronger; but will continue if bank mines started to NER? reality is basically the FDIC insolvable now, and while banks probably safer than stock market crash, the reality is for this reason, we will not even be able to rely on the security banks. always have a reserve of cash for emergencies.

# 6) gold and silver-purposed against this rise in values like $. However, there is a limit of utility when the economy really-will decide to sell you and equipment that you need it even if you have gold and silver? maybe.

# 7) on the NASDAQ stock essentials that you will need-what is true is the most valuable items in a economic collapse of their essential purposed against love for food, water and emergency equipment; and if those in need, they will not sell your food the amount of money; make sure you store that you and your family will need to be extended for a period of time.

True what you need to buy what you would need in an emergency (food and equipment) now while you still have a $ value, $ you never there will be more valuable than they are now.

If you have a great confiance in Bank for blanket security in the future so that you will be very desi crumbles as $ and your wealth quickly come to an end.

Once General wisdom said nearly all fighting there twice before, when the economy is completely, this is he who has a plan that will be prepared than smoothly.

by 2012 calendar day workers

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

by 2012 calendar day workers

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

Star family MAZATZIN setting up the last Tile in CCSF

2012 Doomsday Prophecy - Is It The End of Times?

There are a lot of predictions for when and how the world is going to end. The 2012 doomsday prophecy was written by Nostradamus over 500 years ago, and the same end of the world scenario is also in the Mayan calendar. Most people believe that something awful will happen in the year 2012, but many people don't know exactly what will happen.

Some people think that mass panic will cause countries to go into nuclear war as they fight over precious resources, others think that giant meteors will hit the earth causing worldwide disasters. In the end it doesn't matter what will happen, what is important is surviving. In this article we will go over some basic things you will need to do to survive.

There are some basic things that you are going to need to do before the big day gets here. Meteors might not hit the earth, but people are still going to be acting like it is going to happen for quite awhile and if you want to avoid that then you are going to need to know what to do.

First of all you are going to need to find a safe place to live. Even after a nuclear holocaust there will be safe places to live. After you have found a safe place to live you are going to need to figure out how you are going to feed yourself. You need to be prepared with canned goods, pots and pans, seeds, and have some knowledge about growing your own food. Also don't forget clothing, you don't want to be running around naked so be sure to pack plenty of clothes when 2012 draws near.

It really doesn't matter which 2012 doomsday prophecy that you have heard, what yo need to understand is that the world is going to change dramatically in 2012. You need to start getting prepared today if you don't want to get left behind.

Pay Close Attention to This

We need to become familiar with that in surviving, we have to be prepared to take the necessary steps for our own survival. It is for the sake of our future and future generations. Find out how to survive 2012 Doomsday Prophecy an more end of the world predictions.


2012 - Get Ready

Time is running out, our world is about to end. That's the apocalyptic prediction from those who believe our impending doom was foreseeable centuries ago by mysterious Mayan prophets, whose doomsday calendar is about to come to an end. Now evidence of this alarming prophecy is being uncovered around the world

The Mayan civilisation began some 4000 years ago. They were ingenious builders and architects and crafted magnificent monuments across Central America. All that is left now are enigmatic ruins and powerful prophecies with apparently chilling consequences for us all.

A Doomsday prophecy in an ancient Mayan code speaks of floods, fiery rain and devastation. The ancient Mayan Calendar also runs out in 2012. Does this mean that the end may be nigh. Many people seem to think so. Some descendants of the Mayan Indians are among those who believe our time on this earth is running out. They have spoken of mankind disappearing. For over 3000 years, the Mayans formed one of the most powerful civilizations. At it's peak in the 10th Century the Mayans covered most of southern Mexico. Suddenly and mysteriously however, this great civilisation vanished.

Through ancient texts, the Mayans have depicted how the Gods created the world, and that time was divided into 5 cycles and that the Gods brought a new world into being at the start of each cycle. However, not satisfied with each of their creations, they bought each cycle to a catastrophic end. The first cycle was the creation of earth and animals, the second cycle was men made of mud, but they were not resilient and were destroyed. The third cycle had people made of wood, these men lived but could not develop and once again were destroyed. Cycle four had people made of Amber, these people also could not survive. The fifth cycle was a man made of blood. But the Mayans believed that even this creation would not be good enough for the gods, and so this cycle that we are living in would end on December 21st 2012

But could the ancient Maya really have foreseen the destruction of our modern metropolis. Could they really have predicted the population rise and the burning of fossil fuels, both affect the climate, and have the potential to bring on climate change.

The Mayan prophecies predicted World War 1, the rise of Hitler and the Boxing Day tsunami. In 2012 they expect a natural disaster to wipeout mankind. Could they be right again?

On December 21st2012, the ancient Mayan calendar stops, some fear a Mayan prophecy of Armageddon will strike on this day. Some who believe this prophecy will come true believe the cause may be from something called pole shifting. A sudden and massive shift in location of the earths crust. Using rock samples taken from opposite sides of the earth, scientists have looked into the possibility that pole shifting has actually happened on earth before. These samples have shown identical movements in the earth's surface, and yet they are on opposite sides of the world, but are evidence that millions of years ago there was a massive shift in the earths crust. So if it happened once, could it happen again, and did the Mayans predict it?

A discovery of ancient Mayan hieroglyphs depict not only their findings for weather and crop cycles, but the final page seems to suggest rain and black clouds in the sky, this is followed by lightning. The last column of the hieroglyphs not only suggests more rain but also the destruction of the earth. All the catastrophes the Maya seemed to experience seem to be due to change of climates, and they were able to record these cycles of climatic change. The climactic event on the very last page of the Mayan hieroglyph suggests, total destruction from the sky bought on by a catastrophic climatic event. This climate obsession seems consistent through Mayan history. They believe the world is made up of 5 cycles, now on the fifth cycle, all previous cycles have started and ended with catastrophic climate changes. Does it now seem too much of a coincidence that we too are also experiencing a climate change - could the ancient Maya have been right after all and is 2012 the time that climatic change brings catastrophe once again?

I want to know more

Also check out todays Daily Recipe - what could it be? Yum Yum!!

Surviving 2012 - Doomsday Or Hoax?

Is surviving 2012 a part of your agenda? According to the many scientists and other various groups, the prophecies that are predicting the end of the world as we know it are very real. Doomsday predictions are as old as time itself but there are some undeniable facts that need to be taken seriously if any of us have any hope of surviving 2012. Several groups seem to agree that December 21, 2012 is the day that our world will end, the Mayans were the first to choose this particular date. Considered to be an extremely intelligent race, their calendar predicts this date to be the Doomsday we have all been dreading.

No one is really sure what will happen, some say that the mountains will rise, that the seas will swallow the entire land surface of the earth or that there will be a sort of volcanic eruption that will be so huge that the sun could be blocked out causing the earth to freeze for thousands of years. Some Scientists believe that the polar shifts that are occurring will cause a chain reaction that will lead to the desolation of our planet in a matter of days. Other groups think that it could be caused by human acts such as war, or that it may be an act of God and that it is time for the world to end. Still others believe that it is just a hoax with little merit at all to all these predictions.

Whatever Doomsday philosophy you subscribe to, the bottom line is, we must all try to find a way to survive the disaster. There is a company in Europe that is manufacturing non sinkable boats designed for surviving 2012. They believe that the world will be flooded and we will all need to be on a boat to live through the flood. Boats that are too large will not be any use as they will not be able to be controlled due to lack of fuel and they will break apart and sink. These smaller, unsinkable boats seem to be the right choice. Scientists suggest that these small boats will be used to hold food, supplies and to preserve the records of our civilization as well as saving the citizens of the world.

Another theory is to head for the mountains. Moving to the mountains before the Doomsday catastrophe is supposed to take place is what some people see as a chance for their salvation. This can be a little tricky though, first you would have to be able to figure out the continent shifts that have been predicted will affect the mountain you have chosen as your retreat. Many feel some mountains will sink and some will rise so there is a very realistic chance of your mountain sinking into the ocean. It seems that it may be quite difficult to figure out an exact plan that will be effective during the cataclysm of December 21, 2012. It makes one wonder if there will be any human beings surviving 2012, but it makes sense to seek out information and be as prepared as possible.

There is no reason you should be in the dark about Surving 2012! Click here to get the information you need to effectively gain that edge in your preparation for December 21, 2012: http://www.KeysToSurviving2012.info. And if you're ready to read more about how to survive 2012, visit our Keys to Survivng 2012 blog at http://www.KeysToSurviving2012.com to get easy access to videos, shopping, our specialty Surviving 2012 search engine and more...

Shayne Angel is a blog editor and enjoys sharing resources that have helped to advance and or improve his life. In doing so he has created relationships with certain experts and in recommending their products may receive compensation for doing so.


Mass graves are prepared in Houston, Phoenix, California

coffinsCommon who was prepared in Houston, Phoenix, California metropolitan area and other great across the United States, and nobody wants to know what they have to. The history of the cover best is common have to bury the dead U. S. military, but the u.s. military really expect thousands on thousands of other people killed in the near future? Look at this video and decide for yourself. Common Is this is completely the innocent nature, or is there anything more inquiétant happening here?

The most recent video of Commons are two of Houston, Texas.Dimension of this project will appear to be absolutely massive, it will be may decide that a large number of Tomb?. ...

The National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona is a 225 acre site facility in Phoenix. within months past facility usually quiet about the site the buzzing and activities a massive expansion of the construction, apparemment happening early in the morning and all the way until du most days since ... ... 


There are also reports of mass graves have been reported in Inglewood, California, although this video name almost as good as two CAN-dessus ... ...

Press Atlanta, the U. S. Government made a half a million plastic coffins in the world: why would the Government need many coffins?The U. S. Government Is expected a half a million dead relatively soon?

The reality is Atlanta Airport is a great air traffic hub, and Atlanta is also more CDC were plastic coffins and increased can to bury victims of a flu pandemic? ... perfect ...

There is also some rate of Tomb was prepared press and Chicago to another place; if you do not know more video to an account for this phenomenon please let us know.

The truth is that each time a man like preparing common it should make you uneasy.

A people are expected to be all numbers to start in the near future dead?

You are a man only that really paranoïaque and take up "pandemic preparation" for absurd level?

Feel free to let us know what do you think leaving a comment below ... ...

Climate change Debate: on it not warming a real threat, or is it just a Hoax?

On a serious and real threat for humanity on you, just a massive canular?  We must seriously concerned about climate change, climate change is something which always will be through history?  Mankind produces a change to the climate, the climate data to promote falsifié du?  Questions Giordano Is important.  Politicians through globe the basic decision about over the next two mankind based on belief on when world and climate change.  A number of your readers expressed Avis is strong on climate change and when the world, and we wanted to share comments with you.  Some of them very much in favor of theory produces a catastrophic on mankind, and very much against theory.  We think that we would post comments from your readers on both sides of the debate.  The truth is, and if you all willing to learn from the other and you will see him.

Here is your readers comments two ... ...

Backing Up two men to the theory that it is not the policy, Made on high driver


Warming world doesn't mean just hot hot hot.Is not a zero sum game.When something réchauffe go to other places, it is to earn a lié effects someplace else. for example, if the Jet Stream will whack enough of hot air rising quelque, an area where he will find the buried under tons of snow: it is simple explanation. But I bet leader simpliste wingnut right you can't possibly fathom logic.Morón.


Don't do that. Climate Change is on temperature change sign on them do not place it on the balmy temperatures. event catatrophic this more often, snow in areas that do not necessarily have his sécheresses and brink of famine.

Make éduqués.


World of balance. increase Evaporation when more need to fall from heaven and historically have taken unskilled jobs déclencheurs ice age. Simple physical.

Why are so angry with those?We are in a story together.


One will be lost if balance massive Arctic ice?Make his face shining.

The top two opposed the theory that it is not the policy, Made on high driver


In 1974 was convinced scientists that we have on the road in massive world rheumatism. Article From time magazine; the idea that what we do, powerful enough to cause a world meltdown narcissism is passed.Do you wish to ignore that scientists who started all this was proven when panic to falsifié, evidence?FYI, ice packs, they were actually cultivées during the last two years and all the fair young polar would like the food you can swim, 60 km along the movies Gore arm his men was photoshopped; homework.


"Climate change scientists" the played "I will make up the data, apply for Government grants and then published data faux in the game semi-respected feuilles" for this year; croyants needs to get up.All the natural fusion of the two glaciers sensationalizing.It is proven that he would take several years to dilute without glaciers, acting like, amount of fusion is like a natural life cycle of glaciers.Not only are you doing on this earth.


"The fact" is that more and more scientists will if the heavens of doomsday is discussion on "whatever you want to call depending on the weather."My ears when March.I am certain that SUV sales is Mars you at a time when all I no, procure éduqués means we'll just have to swallow the kool aid and that libéraux plate on the basis of a daily? so Please, if you want to save the planet from the '', '' Mr. Gore yank, Pelosi and Reid from private hunting given them into your hand 30,000 $ crackerjack box Prius and praying for brakes work.


EATME our place scientific evidence on climate change when you?you see very angry, you probably cannot show proof of this. you can call the nickname and think so man who invented internet but to show improvement.Gore sure that not a good role model Green a scientists on when the world is a great bank accounts in the global, not warming film Shem


Debate the globe don't know if the heat in 70 last year so you know whether people are due to (anthropomorphic world when) or the nature of the current Tendency. heating identical to historic ones (i.e. the temperature increase CO2 increase). Furthermore, if you seek a graph of the largest 150 years "Hockey stick" graph Al Gore said a montage year 2000 you actually see you have been living in a trend refroidissement General.

Finally, leader on when as a threat which was not the political hachurée think tanks Rome Club in 1993 (Al Gore and Maurice Strong is/was both members of the two). the release of a paper, "The first global revolution," in the early 1990s, have in Chapter 5 "sweep" The rights they had discussed previously used catastrophes climactic as a way to creation of globe world government taxation body to unite and banks (think Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen climate summit). here is a quote in this chapter not

'' The enemy of mankind is common.
Casting a new enemy to unite us, you come
with the idea that pollution, threats to,
dehydrated, famine and the like would fit all the law.
danger which was caused by human intervention, and this is only in
conception and behavior change how do.
True, is mankind itself. "

Notice the last line, because it is so as he all on for many of the ideologues. believe mankind and nature needed salvation under, and the only answer is to create a model of gouvernance control: the New regime totalitaire won't use their tents killed and room fuel to control, but it is slick, and tax bases of the economic conditions; if you doubt this think about climate-not gate, a generation of scientists the climactic Prism fudging data threat and colleagues.

Others, like Al Gore and fiducies environmental Services like these are more concerned with the money to do not for example carbon trade credit without financial dérivés after billions of dollars take on money from heaven.

For this reason, I think I point it is not GLOBAL warming is not a SHAM.


So it makes us all think about this Feel free to leave a comment and advice ....

by 2012 the end of The Prophecy world 5 Apr 2010 nurse Mountain 10. h. 52 CDT

Nostradamus is a French physician and astrologer who wrote a number of prophéties life from 1503-1566 and one in one of the largest is "End of the world".

There is a lot of interprétations de Nostradamus, had been expected. I believe that interpretation have a lot to do with the ability to imagine a man. That would just be a opinion of Nostradamus said.They might lecture that he said he put in something that happened. a Coincidence you said.

For example, Nostradamus said, '' from the roof and there will be no more curse a strong will be charged a innocent. The guilty one cover in a misty copse. ''Those who were tides that and the John f. Kennedy Assassination; it could be one of those in the past for the future, he did not specify which. Can Support question here.
Nostradamus predicts that the world and a committed and fire down from heaven. He said that committed the same will be the first hit in the sea, near Italy, France.In this, will be let loose against Muslim South France before disabled in Europe: Russia into Europe, North and two to start World War III.The possibility of an incident could not complete déduits.But one thing is he did not mention the year, by 2012.

However, it should do that many of them it was not proven prophéties scientists without effect; for that includes NYC September 11 Twin Tower attacks and penitentiary Obama as the first Black President is really difficult to believe that paralleles just based on the best chance.


2012 Survival Guide - How to Make it Out Alive!

Everyone not living under a rock has heard the different doomsday predictions about 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar. Many people are expecting the end of the world as we know it, while others see the date 21'st December 2012 as the dawn of a new age of heightened consciousness. The Mayan calendar ends on December 21'st 2012 and many people believe that this means that a catastrophic event will happen and wipe out the human race for good. It doesn't help that the signs are all there: Tsunamis, earthquakes and strange weather. Is this the influence of the gravity of the mysterious Planet X on course for a rendezvous with earth in 2012? Whether or not these prophecies are true can't be your main concern; you need to have a 2012 survival guide and a plan ready for survival - or be unapologetically be wiped out from history. Making sure you and your family survive should be your only concern.

Survival Tip #1)

Stock up on essentials. Make sure you are completely stocked up on the most basic of necessities: Food, Water and Medicine. If the world really will be hit by unimaginable natural disasters, then you can't sit around and wait. You do not want to be part of the stampede to the grocery store in a situation of panic and emergency. Stock up on food that can last for years and look into getting equipment for purifying water. You will need it.

Survival Tip #2)

Prepare yourself mentally. If 2012 does result in massive earthquakes and tsunamis, do not panic! It's important to be ready for disaster. You can trust that those who are unprepared will panic and do very stupid things to survive. To survive, you must stay calm and collected and take immediate steps to carry out your survival plan. Do not think your government will be there to help you. Remember Katrina? Now imagine a catastrophe ten times worse. You do not want to depend on other people for you survival.

Survival Tip #3)

Keep your sanity. Don't do any crazy things, just because you believe there will be no consequence after 2012. No one can predict with certainty what the world will look like after 2012. Don't burn any bridges or do something you will regret later. Just prepare for yourself and go about your life as you did before.

Survival Tip #4)

Stay in a safe place at December 21'st, 2012. If you have any plans of going out this day, then you should reschedule. In any emergency, it's always best to be in a controlled environment and not stuck on a road or in a mall with hundreds or thousands other people in panic. Some places will be safer than others. A 2012 survival guide can tell you exactly where. Unfortunately, there will not be safe places for everyone.

Survival Tip #5)

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Yes, it may be unpleasant to prepare for the end of the world, but it's for the best. If 2012 turns out to be nothing or only a small occurrence, then you have lost nothing. You are still alive and living well, but if the worst happens; if the predictions come true, then you will be very happy indeed that you took steps to prepare. Prepare for every scenario. Prepare for rioting and looting. Prepare for lack of electricity and infrastructure. Get ready.

We can only hope that the 2012 doomsday predictions do not come true. It's always a good idea to plan and train for an emergency though. As witnessed by Katrina, you can't count on your government to help you and you can't count on other people to help you. You MUST prepare. Take action today! The best 2012 survival guide can be found by clicking the link.

2012 Doomsday Book Review - Is the 2012 Official Countdown Guide Any Good?

This is my 2012 doomsday book review of the 2012 official countdown guide by James Michael Sayer. Find out in this ebook review if the 2012 doomsday guide by James Michael Sayer is worth reading or skipping. Most importantly does it answer the question on everyones mind, does the world end on December 21, 2012?

So what's all the hype with this Mayan Calendar?

The situation regarding 2012 is that the mayan long calendar which is thousands of years old will end and with it many people believe the world will end as well. Now there are numerous theories to this situation, ranging anywhere from polar shifts, planetary collisions & extreme natural disasters that would wipe out the entire population on earth.

The official countdown guide does an excellent job of explaining all the possible situations that could occur in 2012 and providing a solid foundation for each one, answering all the why's. James goes into all the prophecies, including those made by the Indigenous Americans, Mayas, Hopi people, Merlin, Sybils, the Hindu, the Celts, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, the Bible, the Druids, and the Web Bot Project.

Having read through a couple of other mayan prediction books it was a very nice change to be able to easily read this guide without wracking my brain over trying to understand all the math and theory. Basically it's the ideal guide for someone who wants to get all the info without having to read until 2012 to understand it all!


- Easy to understand, although still highly informative.

- Many details are explained fully which are generally difficult to find elsewhere.

- Instead of being purely a "Mayan Calendar" prophecy guide it makes numerous connections which solidifies many predictions all the more.

- Goes beyond prophecies by explaining what you will need to do for survival and where you should be living come 2012 should the doomsday prophecy come true.

- Ties in many conspiracy theories regarding the NWO & Illuminati. A great deal of which appears well researched.


- 2012 "Experts" may find they know a great deal of the information, although some small details may still surprise them.

- Those seeking out deep detailed information regarding the Mayans may need to look elsewhere.

The Bottom Line:

If you want to know everything there is to know about the 2012 doomsday predictions as well as what to do to prepare yourself this is the guide to get! Deeply detailed although still an easy read that will keep you engaged. 2012 Official Countdown by James Michael Sayer is a must have for anyone concerned about this ominous date.

If you want to more about 2012 in depth and really learn how to plan ahead for it, I highly recommend you download the bestselling eBook 2012 Official Countdown Guide.

Download the bestselling => 2012 Countdown Guide by James Michael Sayer.

You can also Read my Full Review of the bestselling 2012 Survival Guide at my website => EBooks In Review.


Basket-Purposed truck in a House

Trash-31Today many baby boomers will upgrade with the engine room to travel and retirement but can also a good option if you need to buy a House for temporary housing.   Buy a new mobile home marque can at the cost of a way of turning people to bought used. Engine room used can be found on encheres annonces, craigslist, to repeat, or car.   We have a history on rense.com in a trash truck was-purposed in a home. Picture is not as you would suspect. Let him.

Trash 1

Trash 2

Trash 3

Trash 4

Trash 5

Trash 6

Trash 7

Trash 8

Trash 9

Trash 10
Trash 11

The Mayan Calendar 2012 - Does is Really Predict the End of the World?

Will the world end in December 2012? If you believe in the people who interpret the Mayan calendar as a prophecy, then the answer would be yes. There is just one thing that people need to know. The Mayan predictions do not actually say that the world will end in December 2012. What it says is that there will be a major transformation, a shift in the way things are. There are people who are saying that it is all metaphorical while there are some who are claiming that a literal change will happen to the earth. Something devastating but very significant to man's evolution. An end to the world as we know it.

So what can we expect from in December 2012 if the Mayan calendar was talking about a literal shift? Everything that the movie 2012 depicted and more. There will be earthquakes brought about by volcanic eruptions and movement of the earth's surface. There will be widespread tidal waves and tsunamis that will wipe out entire villages. There will be storms and hurricanes that are several times more powerful than Katrina. There will be death, destruction and chaos everywhere That is, if messages of the prophets of doom are true.

Why should we even give importance to the Mayans? What qualifies them to make such a prediction? If you must know, the Mayan civilization is one of the greatest that ever existed. They were great thinkers who made great discoveries about the nature of the earth and the universe. They were scientists and philosophers who loved knowledge and who sought the truth with passion. This is the reason why the Mayans and their accomplishments matters. And this is also the reason why some scholars believe that the Mayan predictions should not be ignored.

It is really hard to say whether there will be a major catastrophic event in December 2012. But as many people are saying, better safe and ready than sorry. We should always be prepared for disasters such as earthquakes, storms and flooding.

You must also make yourself informed about the Mayan calendar and the predictions of things that will happen on December 2012. There are many materials available on the subject and you should try to at least get your hands on some of them. Knowing what to expect is probably the best thing that you can do to prepare for the worst things that could happen two years from now. To find out what to expect and how to survive, click on this link: http://www.squidoo.com/December_2012

Hello, the author specializes in writing medical and psychology articles and works in the psychlogy field. Please leave lots of feedback for my articles. Thank you.

nostradamus prophéties mabus

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

nostradamus prophéties mabus
nostradamus prophecies mabus
Is OBAMA, so called MABUS and with a number of the beast 666?

Barack hUSsein obaMA, MABUS =-Nostradamus prophétie
The Bible said, looking like a Leopard, Obama backed a face & body like the beast + making a sign zodiac, LEO
The beast has a mouth of a lion = when a lion growls and attention, such as when he became the father of speech
LEOPARD three color = Obama's father is BLACK and his mother, who is WHITE + he added in Indonesia and Hawaii where people Brown
The beast have control, two bear = the country didn't Obama who Guide
The beast was injured = House State of ILLinois
Is this the most convaincante.the bible said the Dragon will not give authority to the beast.Obama profits stength caucuses in February, the month, when the Chinese was celebrated this year. Chinese DRAGON + = you see it new year celebration.

I for one believe Obama is a offering crash on, Obama took a number of concerns more than two unholiness to site and you will see Raymond Mabus, I think it's Congress number 666 = 18, I believe that Nostradamus correct, Obama is Mabus, but you cannot prevent, ...
My questions in the hell of distinctly remember they would vote for a man named Barack Hussein Obama people seriously wake up!

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

The Mabus Nostradamus Prophecy & committed McNaught June 2010

Cases of illness like DENGU and Chickengunya may not terrorism is in the process of privatising germs for war?

Interview during a radio broadcast on 5 and 6 not www.voiceofambition.com 06 I predicted the death of a terrorist Musab Zarkawi, who died by American forces in only two days later 7-6-06. the Prediction was based on a Prophecy was that Nostradamus sating MABUS would killed and associates he would take revenge in a way that man and beast would kill alike. commits a criminal then comes near the Earth.
Commits a criminal is currently near the Earth during the day; for this, the rest of the prophétie already come true; terrosists began in the operation of spread TB germs?

I don't know if he's survivors.
People came together to belive that the terrorists have world wide great Biological weapons, and they started speading. ...

Suddenly season is humble, bird flu, chickungunya, dengu, etc., without any specific reason made me believe that this should be true.

Nostradamus 2012 - The History Channel Cries Wolf

The History Channel cried when 'wolf' when it aired its show, NOSTRADAMUS: 2012, on January 4, 2009. The show began on a very dire note with implications that Nostradamus and ancient messages predicted the 'end of the world' in 2012. Images of devastation, floods, disease, wars, environmental disasters and social chaos inundated the screen. If you only watched the first 90 minutes, my guess is you may have been convinced that the "End Times" are upon us and that there is little hope for the survival of the species.

The basic problem with the presentation is that much was taken out of context and most interpretations were 'exoteric' in scope. The pieces on Nostradamus dealt with only a few of the images in the "LOST BOOK" and thereby lost context. It is like the religious practice of quoting several chapters and verse in order to support dogma and ignoring any text to the contrary. But, even more fundamental, is the fact the interpretations of the images were too superficial. They focused on the obvious (exoteric) and not the hidden (esoteric) aspects of the pictographs.

One such example is the plate that shows an arm holding a sword; a primitive club on a tree; a scorpion; an eight spoke wheel; a lamb; various twisted pieces of ribbon; and, a golden rectangle. Regarding this image it was said that it was representative of the signs of the zodiac and the destruction of the tree of life by the club. The twisted ribbons were said to represent the spiral nature of the galaxy. This is very superficial. Without going into excessive detail, let's take another quick look at this image. The central piece is the arm (man) holding the sword (fire, life force) and wrapped with a spiral ribbon (Kundalini energy and DNA). The club (dogma) is not hitting the 'tree of life,' but is rather contrasted with the tree (dogma vs. wisdom).

The other twisted ribbons are like waves or vibrations which is the true nature of the Universe; a sea of vibrating energy. The scorpion is all that is hidden as revealed by the lamb (inner Christ). The golden rectangle, the golden mean and the golden ratio (1:1.618) are indicative that a fundamental change and awakening is possible in the changing sea of vibration in which we live and breathe and have our being. The wheel (Wheel of Ezekiel) deals with the quadrature of the circle, the tetragram, the four basic elements, the single source from which all things radiate and the perpetual motion and vibration of the Universe. It is in this light that we begin to reach the esoteric meaning of symbols. Those like Nostradamus, DaVinci and Newton were all mystics with affiliations to 'secret societies.' And, it is through the use of symbols that their knowledge has been transmitted to future generations through tools like the Tarot Code.

One more example should suffice. A great deal of attention was paid to the glyph that contained a man with an empty book of life; a wheel without spokes; two females, a stag and more twisted ribbon. Just for context, if one examines all of the plates of Nostradamus it should be quite evident that almost every picture has some form of spiral, twisted ribbon, coiling snakes or other image that speaks to vibrating energy which is often moving upward. These are often accompanied by images of the sun and moon representing male and female energies, fire and water, conscious and unconscious thought and not just zodiacal signs. There was great concern in the show that the book was empty and the wheel had no spokes. This, according to some commentary, was a sign that the world was coming to a point of major disaster. Rather, the focus should be upon the idea that the spokeless wheel is a symbol of the unity of all matter, energy and thought which is contained in the Sacred Rota, the wheel and the ending of a great cycle. The empty book of wisdom indicates that the knowledge from that book has been absorbed into the human consciousness.

The stag symbolizes the sacred God/Goddess, the creative powers (male/female) in the universe and spiritual power. Its change in color as seen in other plates to white indicate the emergence of the Christ consciousness. The two females in red dress and white head garments represent duality; the old crone and the new maiden; the passing on of wisdom (Sophia); the Chakras that go from red to white and then gold; and the union of the male and female energies. Taken together, we see the Law of the Triangle, the law of manifestation. At the top of the plate is a semi-circle bisected by the vibrating ribbon and the empty wheel contains a star. There are several levels here. One is that even the divinity that is achievable by humanity is still dwarfed for the infinite wisdom and magnitude of the universe. The other is that within the human DNA lies a seed that will transform as the earth energies change. This is actually happening as scientist tell us that the earth's 'hum' has risen from 7hz to close to 11hz. It is quite possible that mitochondrial DNA in each cell may undergo a rapid evolution that will alter forever the physical nature of man.

The last 30 minutes of the show was different but, the question is; was anyone listening? It was only here that a more accurate depiction of the Mayan, Nostradamus, Hopi and Egyptian prophecies attained a greater degree of accuracy. Keep in mind that all of the ancient cultures, mystics, seers, avatars, secret societies and codes 'did not' revolve around a hidden prophesy that the world would end on December 21, 2012. As indicated in the show, what is more accurate is that humanity is approaching a moment in time where he can consciously choose his next evolutionary step. We are warned that a great vibratory train is headed straight for us and that we must choose to either stay in its way or to get off of the track. If there is disaster, it will be because we stayed on the track. As with Nostradamus, the Book of Revelations and other prophecies, we are given the tools, in the form of a largely pictorial code, to raise our awareness, our vibration and our very nature above the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.' It is time to look deeply into the tools and images that been offered as a gift to our time and learn the true revelation of their inner meanings.

The History Channel has cried wolf, but is the public to jaded to listen? From doomsday, UFO, religious and fundamentalists cults to the cries of Y2K, many dismiss such programs as scary entertainment that raises a chill but which lacks and truth. Notions of a 'second coming' and Armageddon has simple been shouted too often. However, it must be clear to all that fundamental change is occurring on the planet. Every aspect of our lives is being shaken to their very core. So in the immortal words of Pink Floyd; "just nod if you can hear me."

Mr. Harris was born in Massachusetts. He attended The American University in Washington, D.C. and received his degree in Political Science. His graduate work was done at the University of Northern Colorado and Howard University. He spent several years working for local and regional and state government agencies. He worked on a White House Task Force and served as Rural Policy Coordinator at the FRCouncil of New England.

Mr. Harris is co-author of the novel WAKING GOD and is a nationally syndicated / featured writer for The American Chronicle. His second novel, A MAINE CHRISTMAS CAROL was released by Cambridge Books, his third book, JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO: THE EARLY ROOTS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION (Avatar Publication). He is author of the book, RAPING LOUISIANA: A DIARY OF DECEIT and his two most recent self-growth titles, the "MESSAGES" series were just released by Avatar. See his book titles at http://dickens111.tripod.com/theliteraryworksofphilipharris

Snowpocalypse Empties the supermarket in Washington D.C., and it was a real crisis?

Reports for 2 3 Gossypium barbadense would hit the moist-Atlantic region has created a panic buy atmosphere in Washington D.C. supermarchés area to blizzard weekend. Shelf has taken conditions of meat, fruit and other essentials. Thought two will have to remain a couple two days without going to the store some Washingtonians to a frenzy. So that would happen if a real the crisis before, once supermarchés from made of food they could have more? How déments would man?  Blizzard Washington D.C. two 2010 armed '' snowpocalypse. " But honestly he was not good. If it was inconvenient and thousands had lost power, but he did not go on a larger disaster by any stretch of imagination.

But the foolish people anyway.

Only bass need to get really prepared in the case, a major natural disaster, a gesture, a deadly pandemic, a economic collapse of a major terror event in your area.

Just think about Hurricane Katrina.

We would like and there is no food and water in between the two when something like that?

The reality is that most people are living month for month and could only last a couple of weeks (in most) about what is actually in the cupboards.

Do not let to you; and he who gives honour to fool when "normal life" came suddenly reyalizan; pictures in this article will be a lesson for us all.

It is best to be prepared for.

Survive 2012 With These 3 Factors

It started with the Mayan prophecy and now, the end of the world predictions are heightening because the fateful date stated in those predictions which is December 21, 2012 is just around the corner. No matter what type of media you look into - be it online, print, radio, TV - you can definitely find various stories and reports regarding the foretold upcoming destruction of Earth and all life in it.

A lot of people are now preparing for that particular year or day. As you may have observed, several articles, books, magazines, radio shows, TV series, blogs and even movies have featured or focused on the topic that is the 2012 doomsday. Many are scrambling to find ways on how to survive 2012 and the huge disasters that are anticipated to happen on that day. But do you really need a detailed survival guide to make it through this hot mess of epic proportions?

The answer to that is "not really." You only need three simple things or factors to survive 2012. One is by having enough knowledge and constantly scouring for information. By learning what's going on around you - the latest news about the 2012 doomsday, the details you need to know like where to go, what to do, who to trust and all that - you give yourself quite an advantage over the others who are clueless and chances are will become helpless as well once the dreaded prophecy turns into reality. You don't have to believe everything. Just store enough information in your mind for you to extract later on when needed.

Skills or more specifically, survival skills are necessary as well. It's like sharpening your human instincts that have been dull for years of relying on comfort, support and convenience brought to us by machines and modern lifestyle. If you don't know how to light a fire without using matches, gas or electricity, then you'd better start learning now. Other skills that should be honed involve building a shelter, hunting for food and protecting yourself at all times.

You can get by with just knowledge and skills but it is best if you have strong faith as well. Those two factors mentioned earlier will not be as useful as they should be if you lack trust in what you can do. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can make it through and you will. It doesn't necessarily mean faith based on any religion or whatsoever. Just a strong faith in yourself and you're good to go.

If you want to survive 2012, you have to make sure you got those three factors checked and in place. There are many ways wherein you can improve your knowledge and skills in preparation for the dreaded end of days. You can read related books or watch video clips.

Gather a lot of information that you can use if you need to survive 2012. Be sure to watch updates from the news.

by the end of the world by 2012 countdown

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

by the end of the world by 2012 countdown
end of the world 2012 countdown
Is Sarah Palin antéchrist?

I was watching a countdown to election day Nov 4th., 66 days before on Aug 29th, McCain said his surprise pick Sarah Palin for VP, but this was a Saturday and on Sunday was original calendriers is week (the day) Saturday, 6th day of the week, who had taken up 66 days before the election on the 6th day of the week: 66-6 who have no fear?

Many believe that a woman who will be in power in the end: mondes, and with all experience LHC at work, and able to destory the Earth in his Office only tampering with the discussions.

in April this year the Earth even 6.66billion.

If he comes McCain VP and death, and he will remain in Office until: by 2012, and that is the year mayan calander.

Why do the people think Obama is the antiChrist?
It was found after Christianity was born to a mother and father du athée.

No...It's not nearly enough to spirit; it is just a bimbo airhead and I do not say tha to: ...

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

by 2012 end of the world (planet X) by 2012 as official, by 2012, Real

What is your next date the doomsday will come after by 2012

By 2012 the People are just too mainstream now. full of people and give a talk about this, even goes into local go bowling, that they like to ask if true, or if the Government know about this ...

Look forward to you, I don't want to see the arrival of the Earth to the next doomsday countdown movement (especially before as well as, quickly); the next date and by 2012, as "the."

I am can become a face in the middle of the top End world passionnés, like one of the first "is good enough to panic about days since ...(insert date here)."

I'll give doomsday discours where I trying to scare the audience silly. L will take I admire some, and perhaps a book contract.

Call me not like Kote OU the breadth of an upland plain on you if they are not a nickname.

But hey, you can't argue with success.


2012: The Survival Manual

Really good conversion rate, no Bs marketing, New to the Marketplace, hop aboard and let's make some money!!

Check it out!

Surviving Doomsday Predictions of Nostradamus

When it comes to a discussion about predictions, one prophet's name consistently comes up and that is Nostradamus. Worldwide, people believe that every word of prophecy spoken and written by Nostradamus is every bit as truthful and that when he speaks, everything that Nostradamus said is going to happen will indeed happen. And often times, the predictions he made are so accurate, it borders on being terrifying. With that being said, could Nostradamus' 2012 predictions be true?

With the 2012 apocalypse hype in full swing, could Nostradamus be also correct in his predictions on what will happen two years from now? Nostradamus has made predictions that has fascinated people from all over the world; he had foretold of world leaders stepping into office and they did, he had predicted technology advances that came true and about natural disasters, and major events that all came to pass; so does this mean that the Nostradamus 2012 prophecy is something that we should all be looking into? And it is not only on a Nostradamus book we should all be paying close attention to, but also in the most important and significant history book of all time, the Bible.

Bible verses tells of certain events that will come to pass, after which a great star or a meteor will fall from the heavens and bring destruction to mankind. The Book of Revelations has several verses that talk about the end of days and that upon close inspection and study, we will discover that the events stated in the bible is very much similar to the events that will apparently take place in the Nostradamus predictions 2012.

Further studies show that several verses of the Bible that pertains to the end of days, is similar to the predictions made by Nostradamus, years and years before his death. Prophecies made by Nostradamus as well as verses from The Book of Revelations strongly suggest and paint a vivid image of world War III that will cause deaths and other terrible illnesses to everyone who is still unfortunately alive at that time.

Could it be possible that the stars or the comets that will fall from the heavens and destroy all that is living actually be nuclear weapons? Or does the prophecy talk about the imminent intrusion of the so called Planet X that is also considered to be a great threat to life in the planet? Educating oneself on the importance of such prophecies and predictions is the best survival tip that one can possibly do, if there is one thing that prophecies made by Nostradamus can teach us, is that the people who understand what it takes to survive are those who are willing enough to learn and deal with the truth.

If you want to read more about Nostradamus' predictions, visit our 2012 Official Countdown website.

Haiti is yet another example of how society when broken down Satan come out to play

Haiti has become again another example (just like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina) of how society when broken down by come to play.  We've got all you see pictures of the videotape of the encounter métrage wielding sends gang and looters who ravagent Port-au-Prince since the earthquake.  If it is not for the United States and United Nations troops are in Haiti, all the nation should a cuckoo's nest proférer at this point.  Point But this article is not to vidage in Haiti.  The truth is that we have seen this kind of thing all over the world when society.  After all, you oublié horreurs in result of Katrina storm quickly?  A little of this civilization placage you all to give every day only deep as long as society continues to work properly.  Once society, what is true is this evil in the mankind surfaces very fast.  When they feel threatened survival, many of them will resort to all sorts of things.

  But we would like you to think that the people of Haiti chooses this time to pull together as a nation.After all, about 170,000 dead body was better in as far as if have any time to neighbors to come and help each other in Haiti, do you think would do it. 

On the contrary, we will see many opposed.Theft and violence absolutely endémiques. criminals will take advantage of panne in the Haitian capital to harass and viol women and young girls; in fact, are the Haitian National Police Chief Mario Andresol says all the violation it will ....

"Panne And who had consequences in the Haitian capital, groups taking advantage to harass and viol women and young girls tents. ''

How Sick is that?

But not only, Haitian officials also the fear of man and the sale of those traffic organes will become endémiques the consequences of Haitian earthquake: hang, you see two Haitian society not only taken out evil in all people who live there; he also attirer wickedness of gather is interested to exploit.

Talk about CNN on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive Haitian said it received reports of Haitian children sold and that it is also convinced that people organes which took place at earthquake victims and which was sold to.

How little you have to go to Haiti and produce organes earthquake victims dead and sells them to serve?

How little you have to go to Haiti and buy those that were orphelins earthquake?

But this.

According to a report, orphans in Haiti which has been offered for sale to foreigners for little as $ 50.

This is the true face of mankind.

Just like after storm Katrina.

Just like we have seen a number of other times around the globe the society.

The end has two placage civilization to remove all the good nature of mankind.

And really ugly.

Not surestimer character the people, where you live night.

When society broken in your neck of the Woods de la, do you believe that some of them can't act like animals, does not only be able to survive?

Don't bet on it.

Better ready for is time to prepare.

2012 Enlightened: The Most Important Book Of Our Times

Finally, a book that brings together All aspects of 2012: our past, present, and future. There is no need to be frightened, as the future is beautiful. Start promoting the knowledge of 2012 Enlightened to your list and you will be rewarded.

Check it out!

survivors by 2012 plan

survivors by 2012 plan
2012 survival plan
Do you think the world will run out at 2012pa serious questions!?

All for sh * ts, giggles ... lol

Do you think of the Earth will be finished by 2012 ... then, even if you don't ... said until after 21: by 2012, and things start orib is ...What is your plan for your survival =)

I don't have one, I would vissés.

Survival Basics food for the poor

2012 Doomsday Cast

The characters symbolized in the 2012 doomsday cast are archetypal in the nature of humans, and in regards to the 2012 prophecies as predicted by the ancient Mayans and other civilizations what they represent to us are the inner workings of our own mind, and whilst this movie and the 2012 doomsday cast promote a doomsday type scenario, the truth of the matter is that we must look inside ourselves.

For it is that whilst the 2012 prophecies talk about the end of the world, we must all recognize it is time for us all to face our inner demons and confront the things we are most afraid of, yes there are going to be startling earth changes that will occur over the next few years and whilst we educate ourselves on survival techniques and other information surrounding 2012 we must never forget that the prophecy itself is not as simple as a major catastrophic event.

The reality of the situation is that we know so little about our own planet and the universe around us and have been lead astray for thousands of years by those that would control us, the result of this is nothing sure than mass collective brainwashing were we have really forgot who and what we are and our true place in the universe.

However I shall reserve the philosophical nature of 2012 until another day, for now what is important to focus on is the aspect of preparation and self development. The natural disasters depicted by the 2012 doomsday cast and movie will indeed occur, perhaps not on the biblical scale as in the movie, but one thing is for sure as we look at the world around us we notice every other month some sort of huge disaster.

Making sure that both you and your family are safe is important because as the old world ends and the new world begins we are going to need humble and strong truth seekers just like yourself in the golden age that awaits us. It is true that there are those out there in the world that wish to see all of mankind remain under the control of the dark elite, however with all that is going to take place surrounding 2012 we must not let ourselves fall to the trap of fear especially when it comes to natural disasters.

The 2012 doomsday cast were not prepared, if we use the film itself as a metaphor it clearly symbolizes one of the worst case scenarios you could find yourself in, however you can do many things to ensure that if events such as tsunamis, earthquakes or even volcanic eruptions are going to affect your area that you can ensure your safety.

Personally I have recently been looking at tons of survival material both 2012 related and otherwise, and what I can say is that I found the best of both worlds with 2012 Contact If you're looking for survival techniques that combine both factual evidence and history with proper