It is the Eve of Doomsday (according to many). The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012. Much speculation has been built up surrounding exactly what this means. Could it be the end of the world? A great cataclysmic shift? Could it simply be just the end of an unfinished calendar?Which ever way we lean on the issue, one thing is certain; we will all know by December 22, 2012. Maybe all thoses nay sayers will suffer the consequences of unbelief and unpreparedness. Maybe the "doomsday preppers" will inherit the world that is left. Maybe everyone will come up craps if the world we know is totally obliterated.
One more thing is certain also and it will be a good lesson to meditate on if we are fortunate to survive the end of the world; instead of so focused on the future and what could happen, maybe we should have been more focused on the present and living like today was indeed our last day.
Don't get me wrong; I know planning for the future is a good and responsible thing, but not at the expense of neglecting the present and what is important in our lives. I can spend years preparing for the end; being obsessed with calendars and theories; stockpiling food and supplies; mapping out escape routes and practicing drills, but if I have neglected my family, my friends, those around me in the process, living doesn't seem so desirable.
Keep this in mind as we wait for the outcome. Love those around you. Hug and kiss those you love. And if we are still around the day after; love them even more.