
nostradamus prophéties mabus

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nostradamus prophéties mabus
nostradamus prophecies mabus
Is OBAMA, so called MABUS and with a number of the beast 666?

Barack hUSsein obaMA, MABUS =-Nostradamus prophétie
The Bible said, looking like a Leopard, Obama backed a face & body like the beast + making a sign zodiac, LEO
The beast has a mouth of a lion = when a lion growls and attention, such as when he became the father of speech
LEOPARD three color = Obama's father is BLACK and his mother, who is WHITE + he added in Indonesia and Hawaii where people Brown
The beast have control, two bear = the country didn't Obama who Guide
The beast was injured = House State of ILLinois
Is this the most convaincante.the bible said the Dragon will not give authority to the beast.Obama profits stength caucuses in February, the month, when the Chinese was celebrated this year. Chinese DRAGON + = you see it new year celebration.

I for one believe Obama is a offering crash on, Obama took a number of concerns more than two unholiness to site and you will see Raymond Mabus, I think it's Congress number 666 = 18, I believe that Nostradamus correct, Obama is Mabus, but you cannot prevent, ...
My questions in the hell of distinctly remember they would vote for a man named Barack Hussein Obama people seriously wake up!

There is no thing to sort out mots-clés you found.

The Mabus Nostradamus Prophecy & committed McNaught June 2010

Cases of illness like DENGU and Chickengunya may not terrorism is in the process of privatising germs for war?

Interview during a radio broadcast on 5 and 6 not www.voiceofambition.com 06 I predicted the death of a terrorist Musab Zarkawi, who died by American forces in only two days later 7-6-06. the Prediction was based on a Prophecy was that Nostradamus sating MABUS would killed and associates he would take revenge in a way that man and beast would kill alike. commits a criminal then comes near the Earth.
Commits a criminal is currently near the Earth during the day; for this, the rest of the prophétie already come true; terrosists began in the operation of spread TB germs?

I don't know if he's survivors.
People came together to belive that the terrorists have world wide great Biological weapons, and they started speading. ...

Suddenly season is humble, bird flu, chickungunya, dengu, etc., without any specific reason made me believe that this should be true.

