
2012 Doomsday Book Review - Is the 2012 Official Countdown Guide Any Good?

This is my 2012 doomsday book review of the 2012 official countdown guide by James Michael Sayer. Find out in this ebook review if the 2012 doomsday guide by James Michael Sayer is worth reading or skipping. Most importantly does it answer the question on everyones mind, does the world end on December 21, 2012?

So what's all the hype with this Mayan Calendar?

The situation regarding 2012 is that the mayan long calendar which is thousands of years old will end and with it many people believe the world will end as well. Now there are numerous theories to this situation, ranging anywhere from polar shifts, planetary collisions & extreme natural disasters that would wipe out the entire population on earth.

The official countdown guide does an excellent job of explaining all the possible situations that could occur in 2012 and providing a solid foundation for each one, answering all the why's. James goes into all the prophecies, including those made by the Indigenous Americans, Mayas, Hopi people, Merlin, Sybils, the Hindu, the Celts, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, the Bible, the Druids, and the Web Bot Project.

Having read through a couple of other mayan prediction books it was a very nice change to be able to easily read this guide without wracking my brain over trying to understand all the math and theory. Basically it's the ideal guide for someone who wants to get all the info without having to read until 2012 to understand it all!


- Easy to understand, although still highly informative.

- Many details are explained fully which are generally difficult to find elsewhere.

- Instead of being purely a "Mayan Calendar" prophecy guide it makes numerous connections which solidifies many predictions all the more.

- Goes beyond prophecies by explaining what you will need to do for survival and where you should be living come 2012 should the doomsday prophecy come true.

- Ties in many conspiracy theories regarding the NWO & Illuminati. A great deal of which appears well researched.


- 2012 "Experts" may find they know a great deal of the information, although some small details may still surprise them.

- Those seeking out deep detailed information regarding the Mayans may need to look elsewhere.

The Bottom Line:

If you want to know everything there is to know about the 2012 doomsday predictions as well as what to do to prepare yourself this is the guide to get! Deeply detailed although still an easy read that will keep you engaged. 2012 Official Countdown by James Michael Sayer is a must have for anyone concerned about this ominous date.

If you want to more about 2012 in depth and really learn how to plan ahead for it, I highly recommend you download the bestselling eBook 2012 Official Countdown Guide.

Download the bestselling => 2012 Countdown Guide by James Michael Sayer.

You can also Read my Full Review of the bestselling 2012 Survival Guide at my website => EBooks In Review.

